Why Lifeguard Training Doesn’t End When Classes Do

When one becomes a lifeguard, the training does not end simply because they received their certifications. In fact, most lifeguards learn more in their first week on duty than they do in all of their training courses. Here are a few key examples of lifeguard’s on-going training.

Get To Know Your Facility

When you start your career as a lifeguard, you are most likely employed somewhere you are not familiar with. Getting to know your facility is of the utmost importance. Knowing the locations of the first aid equipment, emergency phone, and backboard are all just as important as knowing how to swim when it comes to safe life-guarding.

Get To Know Your Procedures

Knowing the facility and where important safety items are located is almost as important as knowing your facilities procedures. What do you do if a fellow guard goes in for a save? What do you do if you are on station 1 and the lifeguard in station 3 is performing CPR? What do you do if you spot a swimmer in trouble out of your zone? These things can and will happen from time to time so it is always best to know the protocol and procedure for each situation.

Continuing Training or In-Services

Practice. Practice. Practice. The only thing that can make you more comfortable guarding is by guarding. The only thing that can make you more comfortable going in for a save, is going in for a save or practicing to go in for a save. In-service training is not just about keeping up your physical fitness requirements, it is about practice. A good in-service will feature physical fitness, going over proper procedures and simulating real-life situations. This will sharpen your skills, your memory, and make sure that you know what to do when you have to do it for real.

The most important on-going training is to ask questions if you have them and to remember that your training never ends.

Preparing Your Pool for Winter

It’s that time again.  The leaves are changing and, even in Atlanta Georgia, the weather is turning colder.  It’s time to start getting ready for winter and that means weatherizing your pool in preparation for the colder climates and months of non-use.   In order to properly treat your Atlanta pool for a healthy winter season, here are a few tips and steps to get you started:

Clean the Pool

Before anything else, you want to clean out all the bacteria and debris that may have accumulated over the months of summer use.   Remove everything from the pool that’s not water and skim the surface with a pool skimmer.  Once all the leaves and bugs are all removed, you’ll want to clean the interior lining with a vacuum and brush.  This clears all the algae and bacteria that accumulates to the sides and bottom.

Treat the Water

It’s important to do one last chemical treatment to the water before you close it up, especially if you’re leaving a fair amount of water in the pool.   Adjust the pH level to somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6, the alkalinity to a range of 80 to 120 ppm, and the calcium hardness to around 200 ppm.  If you’ve had trouble with any contaminants or algae, you can shock the water with a sodium hypochlorite product designed for this very purpose.   Top it off with a winterizing algaecide that will keep any winter blooms of algae free and clear of your pool.

Lower the Water

Some folks drain all the water out of their pool for the winter and fill it back up with fresh water in the spring.  This is a good way to take long term care of the pool lining.  If you live in a climate where there are hardcore freezes over the winter, it’s good to let all the water out so you don’t have an ice cube in your pool lining.  But in Atlanta it’s fine to simply lower the water level to 12-18 inches below the skimmer, so long as it’s properly treated.

Cover the Pool

Finally, make sure to cover the surface of the pool with a weatherized mesh cover and seal it to all sides.  Larger pools may require some air pillows to keep the cover from sinking into the water and creating a pool of rainwater or surface debris in the middle.

If you take proper care of your pool throughout the winter months, it will be healthy and ready for swimming when the warm weather returns.

Of course, you could call Nautix at 770-485-3672 to get your pool professionally cleaned and put up for the winter!

Pool Safety Tips for Summer Fun

Millions of people will go swimming in Atlanta pools this summer and you’ve likely already been enjoying the water and sunshine yourself.  We thought it would be a good time to give some helpful reminders for swimming pool safety for all the parents, babysitters, and lifeguards out there.


Always make sure someone is watching your children while they swim.  Even in shallow swimming pools, all it takes is a second for a child to drown.  Never leave children unattended and make sure you or another present adult knows how to administer CPR should the need arise.   For toddlers and very small children, an adult should always be within an arm’s reach.  This is called “touch supervision.”

Fence Your Pool

All Atlanta pools should have a five foot high fence surrounding the perimeter to keep children and pets away from the danger of unwittingly falling in.  Simple chain link fences are inexpensive and do the trick.

Stock the Area

Every pools should have a safety flotation device and a rescue hook nearby in case someone needs help.  In addition to rescue gear, ample shade is important for kids.  The ability to get out of the sun’s constant heat is a valuable safety measure for summer fun.  Babies less than six months old should avoid direct sunlight at all times.


Chlorine and other chemicals that are good for the life and quality of your Atlanta swimming pool may not be so healthy for your children.  Don’t let kids drink the pool water and make sure you consult a licensed Atlanta pool treatment professional.


Pool Cleaning Atlanta Tips for Pool Owners

For those of you with your own pool in the Atlanta Metro area, you may be seeing the telltale signs of summer algae accumulating in your gleaming blue waters.  To prep you for the late summer pool cleaning you’ll be doing, here are some tips to help.

pH Acidity

Water is measured for its acidic qualities on a pH scale.   The more acidic water is, the more likely algae is to develop and contaminate the water.   A solid pH rating is in the 7.2 to 7.6 range and if you can keep your pH level in this range, with lower numbers being more acidic, you should be able to maintain a clean, clear body of water for swimming and relaxing.


Chlorine is the primary chemical agent used to kill algae and prevent the degeneration of your water quality.  As helpful as this little chemical is in cleaning your Atlanta pool, it can also be highly toxic.  We recommend keeping your chlorine levels at 1 to 3 parts per million for best health and safety.

Brushing and Scrubbing

Unfortunately we can’t rely solely on the magic of chemicals to keep the pool water clean and clear.  It is important to brush the lining of your pool at least once per week to dislodge any algae colonies beginning to take hold on the surface.  Wire brushes are ideal for concrete pools but if yours has vinyl lining, you’ll want to use a soft brush to wipe it clean.

Mind the Filter

The backup cleaning system that runs on your pool all the time is the filtration system.  It’s important to check your pool filter daily to clear any bugs, leaves, or other debris that could prevent the filtration system from functioning properly.

While maintenance and pool cleaning Atlanta pools may seem tiresome and complicated, it’s a necessity for any pool owner.  Call Nautix if you’d rather leave the cleaning to professionals.   As always, enjoy your pool this summer!

Pool Service Atlanta Hiring Tips

There’s many pool service Atlanta companies that would love your business. However, when it comes to your water quality, we feel strongly you consider these hiring tips when searching for help with your pool.

Pool Service Atlanta Tip #1

Ask about ongoing staff training.

There’s nothing worse than working with someone who isn’t up on the newest water treatment techniques. Remember, it’s your family’s health at stake if they’re swimming in water that isn’t properly maintained.

One of the most overlooked parts of water management is the chemistry involved keeping your water clean. The good old days tossing in few chlorine tablets are long gone.

Pool Service Atlanta Tip #2

What type of chlorine do they use?

It may sound simple but depending on the type of pool you enjoy splashing around in, it can make a difference. Many pool owners use 3 inch tablets. Others go with 1 inch tabs. What’s the difference? Other than size, the 1 inch break down much faster allowing for better dilution of chlorine.

Also ask about chlorine concentration. 90% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione is the industry standard.

Pool Service Atlanta Tip #3

How will they feed your pool?

Over the last few years studies indicate the use of chemical feeders are best to slowly feed your pool chlorine. Some feeders can actually measure exact amounts of chlorine being dissolved into your pool.

The benefits are obvious. Forget about all of those sandy like chlorine pellets lying at the bottom of your pool. Feeders work both with traditional tablets and sticks. When set up properly, you can set and forget about your feeder for at least a week.

Pool Maintenance Atlanta Tips for Clean Swimming in 2014

Who doesn’t want some of the smartest pool maintenance Atlanta tips that make your water look sparkling clean?

Showing off your glimmering pool to friends and family isn’t rocket science. Knowing it’s clean and safe when it’s time to dive into the deep end on these hot days only requires planning and consistency.

Since we’ve helped thousands of pool owners develop easy plans to keep their pools refreshing, we thought it was time to share some of our expertise.

Murky water is one of the complaints we hear from customers. There’s a reason. Every pool has it’s own cycle. If yours doesn’t look as crystal clear as it should, it’s probably because you’re missing routine maintenance.

Skimming is one of the most overlooked pool maintenance Atlanta tasks that can make a major difference in having a pristine pool.

Sound too easy? It is. That’s why you should be doing it more often. You see floating debris, bugs and leaves eventually sink to the bottom of your pool. That puts additional stress on circulation of these floaters and sinkers on your filters.

The more you skim, the less chlorine you’ll need to add to your pool. That means less money out of your pocket.

Another simple ten minute task is keeping up with your filters. Clean them out at least every few days. Again, the more you can create fewer obstacles for your pool water to flow freely the cleaner it will stay.

Everyone knows how important vacuuming is to keeping your water refreshing and clean. But did you know scrubbing your interior pool walls is just as important? Over time, calcium deposits begin to build up. So by keeping a consistent routine of scrubbing you’ll be staying way ahead of the calcium build up curve.

But before you grab that old scrub brush out of your shed, double-check to make sure your brush is the right one. We recommend using a stiff brush for plaster-lined materials. If you have a fiberglass or vinyl interior, go with a soft brush. Tile surfaces can get scratched very easily. So if you do have tile finishing, be very gentle scrubbing it.

There’s no better time than right now to call us (770-485-3672) for your pool maintenance Atlanta help.

Lifeguard Training Atlanta and How to Survive It

We get many questions from people interested in surviving lifeguard training in Atlanta courses. Honestly, it can be very grueling. However, many of our students succeed because of our approach helping them every step of the way.

The first thing to think about is your mental attitude. There’s no surprise if you think you can accomplish your goal, there’s a far better likelihood you will succeed. But certification requires staying power. Our team of trainers are experts at guiding you through the struggles of becoming a qualified lifeguard.

So what does it take to become one of an elite Atlanta lifeguard training member? Start with a passion for safety. More than one million people drown a year. Of those, many could have been saved by a lifeguard. Although, when resorts, amusement parks and even the backyard pool owners ignore water safety standards, swimmers are always going to be at risk.

Students who pass their final exam do so because of their commitment to pushing through physical exhaustion. In the early weeks of your classes, you’ll be challenged by your breaking point. Can you move forward through it? Yes. But doing so requires understanding how your endurance develops. Don’t forget lifeguard training Atlanta instructors are going to test your endurance.

We’ve all huffed and puffed playing sports, running or even working out. Our bodies are naturally designed to react to painful exertion by easing off. The secret to growing stronger is to push yourself through times when you’re about ready to collapse in exhaustion.

Lifeguard training Atlanta graduates get good at moving past their endurance weaknesses on a daily basis. Your body gets stronger when you push it past that point of wanting to rest. Over weeks, what was once impossible becomes easier.

Some of the physical tests (besides classroom work) you’ll be expected to pass include…

  • Being able to tread water for two minutes
  • Swimming 300 yards without rest
  • Drowning victim rescue maneuvers
  • Deep water recovery

Don’t forget about the grandaddy test of them all: swimming backwards while holding on to a person who’s panicked. To learn more contact our lifeguard training Atlanta team.


Lifeguard Certification Atlanta – 3 Reasons Why it’s the Best Job

If you haven’t noticed, (finally) the weather is getting nicer and lifeguard certification Atlanta programs are back in full swing.

So why become a pool superhero? Well, the obvious reason is all the sun you can get while getting paid. But actually, there’s plenty of more reasons that make getting your lifeguard certification Atlanta I.D. card right now. Here’s the top 3 reasons:

Lifeguard Certification Atlanta Payday

Look around. Most summer jobs don’t pay nearly what you’ll earn after you’re certified. How much? It depends which pool, club or resort you work. But it’s usually much more than minimum wage.

Why? Because once you’re sporting your lifeguard certification Atlanta I.D. you’re living proof of someone who’s an expert at water safety, first aid and CPR.

Leadership Training & Lifeguard Certification Atlanta

Do you know how great leaders found their abilities? Mentorship. It’s the fastest way to learn from people who are experts at teaching you the skills needed to be in charge. Imagine going from nervous and shy to confident and outgoing?

There’s no guarantee you’ll suddenly become a pool rock star. But nearly all graduates develop a strong sense of belief they can save lives. One of the smartest things you can do is challenge yourself. Many students realize the training is hard but know sticking it out is the only path to becoming a leader.

Lifeguard Certification Atlanta Skills You’ll Have For life

Some of the new skills you’ll learn include copious amounts of life-saving water rescue, immediate first aid as well as CPR. These can lead to better jobs no matter what type of career you choose.

It’s no surprise guard jobs can lead to opportunities in the health care field or even working as an EMT with additional training. When you consider the jobs you’re qualified for now, it’s obvious with training you can step up to wearing those bright orange swimsuits and of course shiny whistle.

What Does a Good Lifeguard Look Like?

Many people associate the presence of a lifeguard beside a pool with safety. However, the mere positioning of a lifeguard poolside isn’t enough to make a pool safe. There are several differences between a well-guarded pool and a pool that simply has a guard.

Positioning - the physical positioning of a lifeguard is key to ensuring the safety of swimmers. There should be enough guards so that at least one guard is able to see every corner of the bottom of the pool. Lifeguards can’t protect a child that goes underwater unless he/she can see the pool’s bottom.

Attire/Equipment – Lifeguards should always wear a swimsuit so that they are ready to enter the pool at a moment’s notice. A whistle, rescue buoy, and gloves and a face mask (for protection from fluids when administering CPR) are items that a lifeguard should have on hand.

Physical Behavior – A good lifeguard actively scans their area of responsibility. This means the guard isn’t just moving his/her eyes but moving his/her head as well to ensure that nothing goes unnoticed. While on duty, a lifeguard should never be doing anything other than guarding the pool.

Contact Nautix Pools today for more tips on pool safety and maintenance! 

The Importance of Certification

Being a Certificated Pool Operator (CPO) demonstrates that a technician has had the training to safely and expertly work in the pool industry in areas of design, operation, purification, and sanitation. Certification is essential to increasing a technician’s knowledge and abilities, as certification requires attending classes and workshops. After attending the required training sessions, a written exam must be successfully taken by the technician that demonstrates the insight needed to properly and safely operate a public swimming pool or spa. It is also required that a CPO has a thorough understanding of the laws and rules established by the bodies  regulating pool/spa operations. The laws that govern these regulations can change from time to time, and it is the CPO’s responsibility to stay abreast of these changes.

In addition to understanding repair techniques using small pool equipment and educating pool owners of unsafe conditions, pool technicians must possess the ability to develop ethical and professional relationships with customers. It is also very important that the CPO develops an inventory of supplies and tools needed for maintaining on-route servicing. Spa operators are required to maintain the spa at chemical and temperature levels designated by the Health Department and check safety and health environment conditions.