

The National Swimming Pool Foundation
(NSPF) is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to foster
and support programs of education and research in the
swimming pool industry.

The American Red Cross
a humanitarian organization led by volunteers, guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. The American Red Cross has been the leader in swimming and lifeguarding since 1914.

Pool and Spa News
Was started more than 40 years ago and provides information to help pool and spa professionals function better in their businesses.

The National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI)
Is an international trade association of more than 5,300 manufacturers, distributors, retailers, service companies and builders in the pool/spa and hot tub industry. NSPI members adhere to a code of ethics and share a commitment to public health and safety in the installation, maintenance and operation of pool/spas and hot tubs.